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@database ReKeyIt.guide
@master ReKeyIt.guide
@$VER: 2.4
@author "Michael J Barsoom"
@(c) "Copyright 1994-95 by Michael J Barsoom"
@index HeddleyAutoIndex
@remark Created with Heddley v1.1 (c) Edd Dumbill 1994
@node "Main" "ReKeyIt"
ReKeyIt v2.4
1994-95 by Michael Barsoom
Workbench menu shortcut changer.
@{" License and Disclaimer " link "License and Disclaimer" 0} Legal Issues & Registering
@{" What does it do " link "Features" 0} ReKeyIt features
@{" Giftware " link "Registering" 0} How to register
@{" Requirements " link "Requirements" 0} Hardware requirements
@{" Installation " link "Installation" 0} How to install the program
@{" Using ReKeyIt " link "Using ReKeyIt" 0} How do I use it.
@{" ToolTypes " link "ToolTypes" 0} Customizing ReKeyIt
@{" Notes " link "Notes" 0} Some extra information
@{" Questions " link "FAQ" 0} These are not bugs
@{" Sample Prefs file " link "Sample Prefs" 0} Example to get you started.
@{" Using MenuPrefs " link "Using MenuPrefs" 0} Using the prefs editors.
@{" Author Info " link "Author " 0} How to reach me
@{" Program History " link "History" 0} What has changed.
@{" Locale Support " link "Locale" 0} Who is to blame.
@node "License and Disclaimer" "License and Disclaimer"
-+- License -+-
ReKeyIt may be freely distributed as long as no charge is made other than to
cover time and copying costs. If it is to be distributed via floppy disk,
this cost should be no higher than $3.00 (three) dollars US. If distribution
is via CDRom, the total cost should be no more than $25.00 (twenty-five)
dollars US.
You may not copy and/or distribute this program without the accompanying
documentation unless you get permission from the author to do so. Fred Fish
and Walnut Creek already have my permission to include this program on their
CDRom collections.
You may not disassemble, decompile, re-source or otherwise reverse engineer
the program. If you wish to incorporate parts of this program into other
programs, write to the author to ask for permission.
Finally if you wish to include ReKeyIt on a disk magazine you are @{b}REQUIRED@{ub} to
get the author's permission @{b}FIRST@{ub}. Usually this will require you to just send
me a copy of the issue which contains ReKeyIt free of charge.
-+- Disclaimer -+-
This product is sold "as is" without representation or warranty of any kind,
either expressed or implied. The user assumes all risks and responsibilities
related to its use.
@node "Registering" "How to register"
-+- Registering -+-
ReKeyIt is being released under the concept of 'GiftWare'. This does not mean
that it is free. If you use ReKeyIt on regular basis you are required to send
the author what you feel is adequate as 'payment' for ReKeyIt. For example,
you could send me cash in an amount you feel is appropriate for ReKeyIt. Also
if you have written your own program you could send me a fully registered
version of it.
See @{"Author Info" link "Author " 0}, for my address.
-+ Special thanks to the following for their gifts
Olaf `Olsen' Barthel
Nigel Donaldson
Jen Allen
@node "Features" "What does ReKeyIt do?"
Who was it that decided which menuitems on Workbench should get keyboard
shortcuts. It was not me, and if I did I would have definately done it
This is where @{b}ReKeyIt@{ub} comes in. @{b}ReKeyIt@{ub} allows you to change the keyboard
shortcuts for the Workbench menu items to what ever you want. You can even
add shortcuts to the items in the Tools menu.
Also with @{b}ReKeyIt@{ub}, is the prefs editor MenuPrefs. This lets you edit
Workbench's keyboard shorcuts using a nice preference style GUI.
Starting with @{b}ReKeyIt@{ub} v1.3, you can use both @{b}ReKeyIt@{ub} and @{b}MenuPrefs@{ub} in your
prefered language.
Starting with v2.1, @{b}ReKeyIt@{ub} is a full commodity. The changes you make will
survive both screen mode changes and calls to ResetWB. You can toggle between
the default shortcuts and the user specified ones just by activating or
deactivating the commodity.
@node "Requirements" "Requirements"
The following items are required to make ReKeyIt work
1) Workbench 2.0+
Depending on which version of MenuPrefs you choose to use, you will need one
of the following:
1) BGUI library v1.1+ (
Jan van den Baard) Not Included
2) @{"MUI" link "MUI_Readme" 0}
3) gtlayout library v11.4+ (
Olaf `Olsen' Barthel) Included
NOTE: If any of the required libraries are missing, ReKeyIt and MenuPrefs
will refuse to run. There will be no warnings or error requesters.
@node "Installation" "Installing ReKeyIt and MenuPrefs"
-+- Installing ReKeyIt -+-
The easiest way is to place ReKeyIt in your WBStartup drawer.
-+- Installing MenuPrefs -+-
There are two versions of MenuPrefs. One which uses MUI and the other which
uses BGUI. They both function identically, just choose the interface you
perfer and copy the coresponding version of MenuPrefs where every you which. I
suggest that you place it in your SYS:Prefs directory. I also recommend
renaming which every one to choose to just 'MenuPrefs'
-+- Changing the Language -+-
If you wish to use ReKeyIt in a different language, just copy the
corresponding catalog to your locale: directory.
@node "Using ReKeyIt" "Using ReKeyIt"
ReKeyIt is very simple to use. All your need to do is make a prefs file
defining what you want the menu shortcuts to be. ReKeyIt will, by default,
load S:ReKeyIt.menus. The following is the format of this file. You can use
@{"MenuPrefs" link "Using MenuPrefs" 0} to make this file.
Each line in the config will describe a menu item or subitem, and the shortcut
key it should have. You should use the following format for each entry.
This is the name of the menu item or subitem. This needs to be written
exactly as it appear in the Workbench menus. Case is sensitive, and
if there are spaces it should be enclosed in quotes.
This describes the keyboard shortcut. Follow this keyword with the
key you wish to use. If you are trying to remove a shortcut, just
omit this option.
"Backdrop" - remove the shortcut key from the BackDrop item
"Delete..." Key "D" - add the shortcut "D" to the Delete... menu item
Please see the include @{"sample prefs" link "Sample Prefs" 0} file.
-+ The commodities interface +-
ReKeyIt can be controlled by the commodities exchange.
If you deactivate it, the menus will be restored to the defaults.
If you reactivate it, your prefered menus will appear.
If you show it, ReKeyIt will launch MenuPrefs.
If you hide it, ReKeyIt will signal MenuPrefs to quit.
You can also set up a hotkey to launch MenuPrefs.
Please see @{"ToolTypes" link "ToolTypes" 0} for configuring the hotkey and prefs location.
-+ Bonus +-
If you wish to make several different configs, you can add an icon to the
prefs file and specify ReKeyIt as the default tool. Now all you have to do is
double click on the project icon of the config.
@node "ToolTypes" "ToolTypes"
ReKeyIt understands the following tooltypes
The is the full path and name of the config file ReKeyIt should use.
If this is not specified, ReKeyIt will use "S:ReKeyIt.menus"
This is a standard system tooltype, please consult your Workbench
manual for an explaination
Standard tooltype for defining the hotkey to pop up the prefs editor.
default is "Control LAlt r". Please note no errors will be given
if the hotkey string is invalid.
Full path for finding MenuPrefs. If you keep MenuPrefs in a place
other than "SYS:Prefs/MenuPrefs" you need to define this tooltype
or ReKeyIt will not be able to find it.
@node "Notes" "Notes on usage"
-+- Notes about changing the menus -+-
When you load a prefs file, ReKeyIt and MenuPrefs first reads the current
menu structure, and then affects the changes decribed in the prefs file. For
example, any menuitem not specified in the prefs file, it will not be
You cannot add keyboard shortcuts to the menu Titles or to menu Items which
have subitems attached, as this would not make sence
Users of Nico Francois' ToolsDaemon. You cannot add shortcut keys to the
ToolsDaemon menus. If you wish to add shortcut keys to them you need to do it
with ToolsPrefs not ReKeyIt.
@node "Using MenuPrefs" "Using MenuPrefs"
-+- Using MenuPrefs -+-
Usage of MenuPrefs is pretty self explanitory. The list view contains the
current menus. Just select the menu item, and type the shortcut key in the
string gadget. Or erase the key specified in the string gadget to remove it.
The Gadgets:
will change the menus to the current setting and save the current
settings as S:ReKeyIt.menus
will change the menus to the current settings (only if ReKeyIt is
running and active), but will not save them to disk.
ignore all changes
Rescan Menus
rereads the current menus, in case something changed (for example
if you've added or removed a menuitem from the tools menu.
The Menus:
opens a filerequester so you can pick a prefs file to open
Save As
opens a filerequester so you can pick a name to save the prefs file as
copyright and version information
Quit (Prefs & Server)
quit the prefs program and tell ReKeyIt you want it to quit also
quit just the prefs program
Reset to Defaults
If ReKeyIt is running, selecting this menu item will restore the
menuitems listed in the listview to their defaults.
Last Saved
reads the file S:ReKeyIt prefs.
Delette Item
delete the currently selected item from the listview. If the current
item has sub items all the subitems will also be deleted
Add Item
add another item to the list. This is usefull if you want to add a
Tools menu item, which does not appear in the current menus
Create Icons
When you save a file with 'Save As...' an icon will be added to the
prefs file with the default tool being 'ReKeyIt'
@node "FAQ" "Frequently asked questions"
1) When I run MenuPrefs I get a requester saying the ReKeyIt is
Your using a version of ReKeyIt which is too old for MenuPrefs. You need to
upgrade to a newer version of ReKeyIt
@node "Author " "Author"
Please send bugs reports, suggestions or giftware fee to the following.
Michael J Barsoom
5524 Pine Street
Omaha NE 68106
Alternatively I can be reached at any of the following e-mail addresses
Internet: mbars@bluejay.creighton.edu
Fidonet: Michael Barsoom @ 1:285/5.9
I would like to thank Jan van den Baard for all his help in creating the
BGUI version of the prefs editor.
I would also like to thank Kai Iske for suggestion on improving ReKeyIt
Version: 2.6.2
@node "History" "History"
@next "ReKeyIt History"
Program History
@{" ReKeyIt " link "ReKeyIt History" 0}
@{" MenuPrefs (MUI) " link "MenuPrefs (MUI) History" 0}
@{" MenuPrefs (BGUI) " link "MenuPrefs (BGUI) History" 0}
@{" MenuPrefs (gtlayout) " link "MenuPrefs (gtlayout) History" 0}
@node "ReKeyIt History" "ReKeyIt History"
@next "MenuPrefs (MUI) History"
@prev "History"
Revision V2.4
Fixed a small bug which could occur if you attempted to quit
ReKeyIt and someone else had patched the same function that
ReKeyIt patches.
Recompiled with SAS-C 6.55
Added gadtools based MenuPrefs (via gtlayout).
Revision V2.3
A copyright message will appear momentarily in the Workbench title
bar when ReKeyIt is first run.
Some other minor changes.
Revision V2.2a
ReqTools is no longer required, it seemed kinda silly to me to
open it when it was only used to display two requesters.
Slight change in the structure of the catalog, make sure you use
the one in the v2.2a archive, as the previous ones will not work
The catalog files did not make it into the v2.2 archive.
Added Finnish catalog.
Revision V2.2
Now uses memory pools, for better memory management.
Optimized the code a bit.
Forgot to mention that catalog has changed and old v1.x catalogs
will not work.
Added German and French catalogs.
Added support for Show and Hide interface and commodity hotkey
to launch MenuPrefs.
Revision V2.1
ReKeyIt is now giftware, please register your copy
Changes to menus now survive screen mode changes and ResetWB
ReKeyIt is now a commodity
Now ReKeyIt patches one intuition function.
(thanks to Kai Iske for suggestion this)
Changed method for reading prefs in memory, result is that
Menu titles have are now case sensitive, again.
Format of prefs changed, WAIT no longer required. Also you no longer
specify NOKEY, now you just don't specify the KEY if you do not want a
If you add an item, to the ToolsMenu it ReKeyIt will automatically add
the appropriate shortcut. ReKeyIt no longer has to be started after
the AppMenu item is added.
When ReKeyIt if first run, it will first read the default menu
config, and when you quit, or deactivate the commodity the defaults
will be restored.
Revision V2.0
Not publicly released, decided not to use a separate ReKeyItDaemon
as it was an inefficient way of handling the menus and it would
sometimes crash the system. If you have the Daemon delete it you
don't need it for v2.1
Revision V1.4
ReKeyIt will now wait until every menu item in the prefs file
is found that has the option wait specified. This was necessary as
some programs, like Tool Manager' take some time to install the
items in the Tool menu. ReKeyIt will check the menus once a second
for ten seconds. After this time if not all the menus were found,
only the ones which were found will have been changed.
Now included French and German catalogs
Revision V1.3
Added locale support.
Revision V1.2
Sometimes ReKeyIt would fail to change the menus and
an error would not be reported. Fixed I Hope :-)
Added retry to error requester if menus could not by found
Changed method of checking for errors, should be more
accurate now.
Revision V1.1
You can now specify ReKeyIt as a default tool in a the
icon of a prefs file, and just double click on the prefs
file to set the menus.
Old shortcuts still worked, even though they were
not being displayed in the menus. (fixed)
Now menu names in config are case insensitive.
Revision V1.0
--- Initial release ---
@node "MenuPrefs (MUI) History" "MenuPrefs (MUI) History"
@next "MenuPrefs (BGUI) History"
@prev "History"
Revision V2.4
Small internal change.
Recompiled with SAS-C 6.55
Revision V2.3
The Add Item string gadget was not being erased between items
Revision V2.2
Now uses memory pools, for better memory management.
Changed the way menus are displayed in listview, I think it is
more aestheticly pleasing :-)
Optimized the code a bit.
Revision V2.1
Supports new version of ReKeyIt
Selecting use, will only take effect if ReKeyIt is running and
is active
Reset to Defaults now really works, provided ReKeyIt is running
Added new menuitem Quit (Prefs & ReKeyIt)
Added Add Item and Delete Item to menus
Revision V2.0
Internal version, NOT RELEASED
Revision V1.3
Added support for the WAIT option
Revision V1.2
Added missing version string.
If create icons was selected and an error occured while saving, the
icon would be created anyway (fixed)
String gadget was not disabled if nothing in the listview
was selected (fixed)
Added locale support
Revision V1.1
Moved 'Last Saved' to menus
Keyboard can be used to control listview.
Revision V1.0
--- Initial release ---
@node "MenuPrefs (BGUI) History" "MenuPrefs (BGUI) History"
@next "Locale"
@prev "History"
Revision V2.4
Small internal change.
Recompiled with SAS-C 6.55
Revision V2.3
Added some more custom rendering to the listview, now menu items
with a shortcut key will also have an 'AmigaGlyph' before the key.
When an item was added to the listview, the listview was not being
updated correctly (fixed)
The Add Item string gadget was not being erased between items
Revision V2.2
Now uses memory pools, for better memory management.
Optimized the code a bit.
Revision V2.1
Supports new version of ReKeyIt
Selecting use, will only take effect if ReKeyIt is running and
is active
Reset to Defaults now really works, provided ReKeyIt is running
Added new menuitem Quit (Prefs & ReKeyIt)
Added Add Item and Delete Item to menus
Revision V2.0
Internal version, NOT RELEASED
Revision V1.4
Created a bug in v1.3 where string gadgets was not being disabled
for menu items that could not have a shortcut key (fixed)
Added keyboard support to requesters and listview
Note: This requires BGUI 38.x or better
Added support for the WAIT option
Revision V1.3
If create icons was selected, the icon would be create even if
and error occured (fixed).
Shortcut key was not always displayed in string gadget on some
systems, it works just fine on mine. (fixed, I hope)
String gadget was not disabled if nothing in the listview
was selected (fixed)
Added locale support
Revision V1.2
Fixed an enforcer hit when 'Rescan' was selected.
Reported by Jan Van.den.baard
When entering a Command Key in the string, the listview did
not immediately show the changes. (fixed)
Some internal changes dealing with the way the listview is
Selecting Use or Save gadgets caused a deadlock. (fixed)
Listview was not being updated after a load prefs, forgot to
call a refresh on the listview (fixed)
Revision V1.1
Moved 'Last Saved' into menus.
Finally figured out how to do my own rendering of text
now, menu titles will appear in white, and shortcut keys
will appear in the listview.
Clicking keyboard shortcuts for gadgets did nothing (fixed)
Changed method of adding entries to listview, this speeds
up reading of menus a bit.
Revision V1.0
--- Initial release ---
@node "MenuPrefs (gtlayout) History" "MenuPrefs (gtlayout) History"
@toc "History"
Revision V2.4
First Release
@node "Sample Prefs" "Sample prefs file"
@prev "Using ReKeyIt"
; This is the config file I use.
"Execute Command..."
"Redraw All"
"Update All"
"Last Message"
"About..." KEY "?"
"New Drawer"
"Open Parent" KEY "/"
"Close" KEY "Q"
"Update" KEY " "
"Select Contents" KEY "A"
"Clean Up" KEY "."
"Only Icons" KEY "I"
"All Files" KEY "S"
"Icon" KEY "1"
"Name" KEY "2"
"Date" KEY "3"
"Size" KEY "4"
"Rename..." KEY "R"
"UnSnapshot" KEY "U"
"Leave Out"
"Put Away"
"Delete..." KEY "D"
"Format Disk..."
"Empty Trash"
"MUI Prefs..."
@node "Locale" "Locale support"
Thanks to the following people for sending me their translations:
Andreas Otte <xs@nil.student.uni-tuebingen.de>
for the german translation
Lionel Vintenat <vintenat@reseau.onecert.fr>
for the french translation
Jouni Jaaskelainen <jjaaskel@orion.pspt.fi>
for the finnish translation
@node "MUI_Readme" "MUI"
@prev "Requirements"
@{"MenuPrefs" link "Features" 0} (MUI) uses
MUI - MagicUserInterface
(c) Copyright 1993/94 by Stefan Stuntz
MUI is a system to generate and maintain graphical user interfaces. With the
aid of a preferences program, the user of an application has the ability to
customize the outfit according to his personal taste.
MUI is distributed as shareware. To obtain a complete package containing lots
of examples and more information about registration please look for a file
called "muiXXusr.lha" (XX means the latest version number) on your local
bulletin boards or on public domain disks.
If you want to register directly, feel free to send
DM 30.- or US$ 20.-
Stefan Stuntz
80935 M
@node HeddleyAutoIndex "Index"
@remark Index auto-generated by Heddley
Index of database ReKeyIt.guide
@{"Author" link "Author "}
@{"Frequently asked questions" link "FAQ"}
@{"History" link "History"}
@{"How to register" link "Registering"}
@{"Installing ReKeyIt and MenuPrefs" link "Installation"}
@{"License and Disclaimer" link "License and Disclaimer"}
@{"Locale support" link "Locale"}
@{"MenuPrefs (BGUI) History" link "MenuPrefs (BGUI) History"}
@{"MenuPrefs (gtlayout) History" link "MenuPrefs (gtlayout) History"}
@{"MenuPrefs (MUI) History" link "MenuPrefs (MUI) History"}
@{"MUI" link "MUI_Readme"}
@{"Notes on usage" link "Notes"}
@{"ReKeyIt" link "Main"}
@{"ReKeyIt History" link "ReKeyIt History"}
@{"Requirements" link "Requirements"}
@{"Sample prefs file" link "Sample Prefs"}
@{"ToolTypes" link "ToolTypes"}
@{"Using MenuPrefs" link "Using MenuPrefs"}
@{"Using ReKeyIt" link "Using ReKeyIt"}
@{"What does ReKeyIt do?" link "Features"}
@{" MenuPrefs (BGUI) " link "MenuPrefs (BGUI) History" 0}
@{" MenuPrefs (gtlayout) " link "MenuPrefs (gtlayout) History" 0}
@{" MenuPrefs (MUI) " link "MenuPrefs (MUI) History" 0}
@{" ReKeyIt " link "ReKeyIt History" 0}
@{" Author Info " link "Author " 0}
@{" Giftware " link "Registering" 0}
@{" Installation " link "Installation" 0}
@{" License and Disclaimer " link "License and Disclaimer" 0}
@{" Locale Support " link "Locale" 0}
@{" Notes " link "Notes" 0}
@{" Program History " link "History" 0}
@{" Questions " link "FAQ" 0}
@{" Requirements " link "Requirements" 0}
@{" Sample Prefs file " link "Sample Prefs" 0}
@{" ToolTypes " link "ToolTypes" 0}
@{" Using MenuPrefs " link "Using MenuPrefs" 0}
@{" Using ReKeyIt " link "Using ReKeyIt" 0}
@{" What does it do " link "Features" 0}
@{"Author Info" link "Author " 0}
@{"MenuPrefs" link "Using MenuPrefs" 0}
@{"MenuPrefs" link "Features" 0}
@{"MUI" link "MUI_Readme" 0}
@{"sample prefs" link "Sample Prefs" 0}
@{"ToolTypes" link "ToolTypes" 0}